IDEAMAPS Engagement Workshops
March 21, 2021
Throughout the first year of IDEAMAPS, we held stakeholder engagement workshops in each of the project's pilot cities: Lagos (August 2020), Accra (November 2020), and Nairobi (April 2021). Each workshop…
Dana R. Thomson

Throughout the first year of IDEAMAPS, we held stakeholder engagement workshops in each of the project's pilot cities: Lagos (August 2020), Accra (November 2020), and Nairobi (April 2021). Each workshop was attended by approximately 20 people, invited to represent a range of perspectives including community-based leaders, the private sector, local government, national government, civil society, and non-governmental organisations. The workshops provided an opportunity for particpants to learn about IDEAMAPS, connect with other stakeholders in their city working on deprived area mapping and upgrading, and to share critical insights with the IDEAMAPS Network.

Accra Stakeholders Workshop with Online Participants

Each workshop included a day of focus group discussions on deprived area data gaps, meaningful definitions and indictors of deprivation locally, and data sharing/presentation requirements of an IDEAMAPS data ecosystem. These discussions were audio recorded and transcribed, and are being used to develop IDEAMAPS user profiles and outline requirements for the Integrated Deprived Area Mapping System.

Accra workshop and focus group discussion break-out sessions

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